Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 2 of no RX--All Natural and so far so good.  I didn't take a nap at all on Day 1 but am a little sleepy right now.  I'm a little on the depressed side, but part of me thinks it's because of what's going on.  Maybe I should increase some of the "mood" meds, even temporarily.  We just had Week1 of the Sex sermon series and it has me reflecting a lot about what's going on with me and Jeremy.  I had "recreational" sex with Ken last week.  It was good and fun but that's it.  He's so easy to talk to, though, and has a sympathetic ear, a little more so than Jeremy.  But then again, Jeremy has talked to me more in the last couple of weeks about himself than he has in the whole time I've known him.  I even told him so last night.  He seemed surprised that I thought that, but it's true.  What does that mean about where we are now?  Are we "dating" right now...I mean something more than just being friends? We talk, either by text or phone, everyday.  He calls me more now than he has in the past.  Right now seems more like a relationship than it has in the past. I'm so confused and so scared to talk to him about it.  And to top it off, I'm getting all sorts of thoughts and feelings that this whole this is just wrong (from God).  Yes, that's why I'm depressed and upset.  I'm comfortable with him, but that doesn't mean that it's a good thing.  I can't remember ever being in such a difficult position.

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