Monday, February 9, 2015

Life's Storms

Tonight's bible study: Acts 7-10 "Life's Storms"

  • Get up and go; don't worry about how you're going to get there and what you will do when you get there...just go.
  • God sends the storms or allows the storms to open our eyes and get our attention to bring us closer to Him and His plan.
  • We know our next step but God doesn't change His mind about it.  We can be hard-headed about it, but His command still remains.
  • How much is it going to take to get us to do what God has called us to do?  Why do we fail to be obedient?
  • Peter and the other disciples were hard-headed and needed to be told three times and Stephen had to be stoned for God's will to be done.  Took 10 years.
I may or may not be better in 6 weeks (the time I have left to take off from work).  Even if I got my meds right, I don't think God wants me to go back the MHS.  I'm beginning to feel a little like Peter, but I'm getting the message.  I just need to keep the faith that God will take care of me and that His plan is much better than anything I can muster.

I also need to be obedient to God. There's one area of my life that God has been speaking to me for months and over and over, I have "rational- lies"-ed a way around it.  True healing for me is only going to come through complete obedience an giving up on this sin and staying away from people that encourage that sin to continue.  I'll never see all that God has planned for me if I continue to be disobedient and try to do things my way.

And in the meantime, I need to figure out how best to use my time.  I lack motivation to do much of anything right now and there are so many things that I could be doing. I've got to read Joyce Meyer's book and learn how to manage my feelings because my emotions are controlling my very existence right now.  It's taking all of the joy out of my life, so much that I can even be around Kenzie and Eli and not be anxious or cry.  Maybe she has some insight from God's word on what to do because a roadmap would be awesome to have right about now.

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